Mental Health

Mental Health Services

At Portage Medical Family Health Team, we are committed to promoting mental health education, wellness and services. If we don’t have the most suitable service for you, we will help you to find it in our community.

If you are seeking one-on-one, couple or family counselling please call 905-354-9393 ext 1. Our counselling service is a time limited opportunity that includes you in the goal setting process.

Our trained mental health staff work with people who are experiencing any of the following. We can arrange for in person, telephone and secure online appointments—whatever meets your needs. We are also currently offering Walk and Talk therapy which is great for those who want to be physically active while also gaining benefits from psychotherapy at the same time.  The focus of this counselling is not on exercise, though some may find physical benefits.

  • Grief
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship and/or family difficulties
  • Stress
  • Life transitions
  • Trouble dealing with physical and mental health challenges and/or chronic health issues

If you are a patient of one of our family health team doctors call now to book an appointment to speak to our mental health nurse at 905-354-9393 ext 1.

If you have counselling services through your employee assistance program (EAP), we urge you to contact these service providers, so that other patients without benefit plans may readily access our services.

Click here for additional mental health resources

Click to watch our mental health services video